There is a saying: when a sword is sharpened, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Resin&Zircon New Material has been engaged in the R & D and breakthrough of new material zirconium phosphate related applications for ten years. The report would not be posted if the continuous research and the development of ZrP is absent.

Kejian ZHANG once served as the Secretary of the Party committee of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics and is now (vice minister and member of the Party group of the Ministry of industry and information technology, director of the National Space Administration, director of the National Atomic Energy Agency, director and Secretary of the Party group of the State Administration of science, technology and industry for national defense), comes here to learn more about ZrP. Mr ZHANG guides and discusses the popularization and application of zirconium phosphate in nuclear wastewater, aerospace, national security and other related fields (fine chemical industry, environmental protection, medical and other sectors); these are rely on the four characteristics of zirconium phosphate: 1. High antibacterial property; 2. Super adsorption; 3. High wear resistance and compression resistance; 4. Synergistic flame retardancy; Continuous extension, so as to promote the innovation and truth-seeking of the national manufacturing industry, increase the international competitiveness of enterprises, promote the domestic manufacturing industry to become a global industry leading enterprise, and build an international super first-class brand.